APA Style Discussion

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Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

Discussion Prompt 1

Psychologists interested in the dynamics of social media have become interested in the meaning and reasoning behind the phenomenon of selfies, or self-portrait photographs.Read the following article that discusses the findings from several studies on the link between narcissism and selfies.

In your opinion, is taking multiple or daily selfies, and posting them on social media a reflection of a narcissistic personality or some other psychological issue? Why or why not? Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

What is the Real Link between Selfies and Narcissism? (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/close-encounters/201508/what-is-the-real-link-between-selfies-and-narcissism)

Discussion Prompt 2

Psychologists often debate over adaptive and maladaptive behaviors for coping with stress. Some argue that certain defense mechanisms such as denial or avoidant coping (wishful thinking) are effective in eliminating the effects of stress on mental and physical health while others disagree.

In your opinion, is the use of defense mechanisms, or avoidant coping, an adaptive or maladaptive way to cope with stress? Why or why not? Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

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