Analyze how healthcare reforms in the Affordable Care Actmeet the recommendations of the IOM report
The driving forces for quality and safety competency in nursingas it relates to the affordable care act encompass health care providers’ understanding of their new role as it relates to the act. Essentially, provisions of the act do not guarantee quality. Affordable care is the promise. What does this look like for health care providers is the re-evaluation which must be made. This in my estimation is the real driving force ad advocates of quality in health care detected in the IOM report recommendations (Werner, 2014).
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Write My Essay For MeSix core quality competencies integrated in the nursing curricula to prepare nurses for working in systems focused on quality are embodied with the knowledge, attitude and skill framework.As it pertains to knowledge it entails the health care providerunderstanding that nursing is linked to systems of care and processes that affect outcomes. Also, knowledge forges demonstrating competence in describing the context for care improvement. Attitude requires recognizing that quality improvement is an essential part of nursing and this is accomplished through team work. Exhibiting skill competency involves actively seeking information on improving care quality and participating in the quality improvement process (Creativity and Connections 2010)
Importantly, evaluating nursing roles catered to improving health care quality it must be realized that nurse must always maintain the role of advocate for quality because America’s health care under managed care/affordable act is focused on reducing cost at the expense of quality.Therefore, in evaluating the effect of this trend in the current health care environment future role of nurses will be compromised into delivering poorer quality of care if radical measures are not taken to limiting this health care assault on citizens of this nation (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).
Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. (2014). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends & management (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
Creativity and Connections (2010). Nurse of the future: Nursing core competencies. Retrieved on June 3rd, 2014 from
Werner, K. (2014). Quality Improvement and safety. Pdf.
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