Purpose of the Study
The primary purpose of the study by Blue (2007) is to explore the Theory of Planned Behavior and its potential relationship to diabetes risk and the development of modified behaviors in order to prevent the disease in some patients through the use of a descriptive survey method to identify behaviors and related intentions.
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Write My Essay For MeTheory Used in the Study
The Theory of Planned Behavior is expressed in the study and uses the expectancy-value model approach to identify specific attitudes, norms, behaviors, behavioral controls, and intentions regarding specific actions that are taken regarding a specific issue or concern (Blue, 2007). Intention to perform a behavior is a key determinant of the theory, based upon attitudes regarding the behavior, subjective norms, and behavioral controls relative to the behavior and its impact on a given outcome (Blue, 2007).
Theoretical Constructs Used
In this study, health-related behaviors are examined using the Theory of Planned Behavior as a basis for determining the reasons why physical activity is increased in some individuals and not in others, and this is largely dependent on the perception of risk associated with one or more diseases (Blue, 2007). In the context of diabetes, this is relevant because it frames the discussion regarding diabetes-related risk and associated behaviors (Blue, 2007).
Constructs Not Mentioned
Other models that are commonly used to examine diabetes risk that are not used in this study include the Health Belief Model and the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, both of which identify the perception of risk (Blue, 2007). However, the Theory of Planned Behavior is used as an alternative to these constructs for the purposes of this study (Blue, 2007).
Study Population
The study population that was recruited for the study was identified from a Midwestern community sample that was determined by using newspaper and poster advertising (Blue, 2007). All study subjects were identified on the basis of their risk factors for diabetes, including family history, weight, and diabetes during pregnancy, and were given the Diabetes Risk Test to determine their eligibility (Blue, 2007). Those scoring over 10 who did not currently have diabetes were eligible for participation and were asked to complete and submit the required questionnaire (Blue, 2007). A total of 106 subjects were chosen for inclusion in the study and were provided with a small gift card for their participation (Blue, 2007).
Data Collection Methods
The data was collected using a cross-sectional survey method and included a five-point Likert scale to measure a number of key independent variables, while the dependent variables were measured by using closed-ended questions using intend, try, and plan items to determine intent (Blue, 2007).
How Theoretical Constructs Were Measured
The dependent variables included the intent to consume a healthy diet and the intent to become more physically active, while the independent variables included subjective norms, attitudes, perceived control, and perceived risk of diabetes (Blue, 2007). The Theory of Planned Behavior constructs included items in the questionnaire that measured physical activity and healthy eating based upon behavioral beliefs, the influence of others in regards to increasing physical activity, perceived control primarily regarding healthy eating, and diabetes risk as related to the likelihood of becoming diabetic in the future, using a scale from one (strongly disagree) to five (strongly agree) (Blue, 2007).
Most Interesting Findings
The study results demonstrated that there was a variance of 63 percent regarding perceived risk and the intent to increase physical activity as related to diabetes (Blue, 2007). For those persons with a higher perception of control, there was a higher intent to become more physically active, but attitude did not play a role in this intent (Blue, 2007). There was a variance of 76 percent related to the intent to consume a healthy diet as related to diabetes risk, and attitudes had a favorable influence on healthy eating, while the perceived risk of diabetes was not influential (Blue, 2007).
Strengths and Weaknesses
The study demonstrates that diabetes risk is largely influenced by physical activity and healthy eating, and this provides a basis for exploring new insights regarding personal beliefs and their relationship to disease risk (Blue, 2007). However, these factors did not consider environmental and socioeconomic factors related to diabetes risk and related behaviors, which may have a significant impact on this risk from a practical point of view (Blue, 2007). Therefore, these considerations must be made in future studies in order to effectively adopt new perceptions regarding diabetes risk for individuals (Blue, 2007).
Questions Raised
Based on the results provided in this study, additional considerations regarding the surrounding environment and an individual’s socioeconomic and political backgrounds may play a role in perceiving risk and managing disease (Blue, 2007). Therefore, these factors must be considered in future studies in order to determine if other variables contribute to diabetes-related risk in individuals (Blue, 2007). This perspective requires an ongoing approach that will be effective in demonstrating the importance of understanding diabetes risk and how it is impacted by individual behaviors, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs that impact daily living and the activities that are conducted (Blue, 2007).
Blue, C.L. (2007). Does the theory of planned behavior identify diabetes-related cognitions for intention to be physically active and eat a healthy diet? Public Health Nursing, 24(2), 141-150.
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