This article has talked about the role of making good decisions in entrepreneurship. The author states that it is not all down to personality traits: people need to make five important decisions right to become successful/.
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Learning is indeed an important aspect of becoming a successful entrepreneur. The author details the “1-3-5” method to find infrormation on the market and industry selected. Today, there are several online training companies offering high level training in almost everything for free, such as Alison. They should be utilized by entrepreneurs.
The author of the article talks about open door policy. Further, the article mentions that people need to understand the “why”-s of the job. Indeed, in order to create a positive culture in the company, discussing mission, creating a common vision is essential.
One good aspect of the article is that it does not only tell people about the good side of becoming an entrepreneur, but the hardships as well. Long hours and social isolation can indeed create challenges for people wanting to succeed in business.
The article talks about the reasons why franchises are so attractive. While it mentions some examples of “hip” franchises, it does not examine the motivations of franchise owners to stand out from the crowd. It is evident that buying into a franchise takes away loads of stress from entrepreneurs’ life. They do not have to build the brand up from scratch; therefore, the more attractive the identity of the company looks, the more likely new businesses want to join.
Rehan Hussein:
The article features a success story about making beer “the old way”. While the company did not become an industry leader, they managed to get a significant market share. And for the creator of the business, doing something he is passionate about and creating value is more important than being a multi-billion dollar business.
Covering the topic of social media marketing and viral promotions, the author brings up examples of successful campaigns that created brand awareness and reputation for companies. The common feature of all the listed videos is that they triggered emotions or contained humorous elements to capture the interest of the audience.
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