What changes does an individual with this disease have to make to manage their disease? Choose one of the topics below.

What changes does an individual with this disease have to make to manage their disease?
Choose one of the topics below.

Write a two-page (double spaced) response and include two references in your response. References should include at least one academic peer-reviewed journal article and youâ€re an additional source such as your textbook, course notes, lecture notes, reliable online sources, textbooks from other courses, library sources, etc.
APA format required, including title page, in-text citations, and a reference list.
Bring your first draft and the grading rubric to your 25-minute Writing Studio session to review your paper with a writing consultant along with the writing studio visit sheet (found on BB).
Make any revisions, re-writes, changes, and improvements. Decide if you need another visit with the Writing Studio to provide a second round of feedback.
FINAL STEP: Find the submission assignment area in Blackboard. Submit your final version by midnight on the day your paper is due (see chart above) as well as a pdf copy of the writing studio visit sheet. Papers must be in a Word Document and attachments in pdf format via Blackboard.

Investigate a public health discovery/initiative and answer the following questions:
Gather information about the discovery and form a hypothesis as to the events that lead to that discovery.
How did this discovery affect the health of the overall population?
Did this discovery lead to other public health advances? If so, please describe.
Describe the importance and/or relevance (or lack thereof) as it relates to the health today.
Investigate a chronic disease/lifelong disease and answer the following questions.
How is the disease diagnosed?
Was the chosen illness always a chronic/lifelong disease?
What changes does an individual with this disease have to make to manage their disease?
Is there a new and novel treatment being researched to treat this disease?
Review the Medical Milestones Chare on pages 21-22 of your text. Choose one of the listed milestones and answer the following questions:
Why is this important?
Why did it make the list of medical milestones?
Should it still be considered a medical milestone? Support your answer.
If any, is there an organization or company that has benefitted from or contribute to this medical milestone. This organization can be past or present.

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