Assess any foreseen challenges and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges.assume the role of an executive consultant to a small healthcare business owner CEO, then recommend one social responsibility initiative and one sustainability initiative that the small healthcare business should introduce and implement within the next 6-12 months.
In your response, be sure to designate how the CEO of the small healthcare business should use technology (e.g., big data, cloud computing, outsourcing, and social media). For each initiative, address the following in your report:
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Write My Essay For MeSelect and recommend initiatives based on reasoned argument and summarize each initiative.
Generalize who will be the participants and the benefactors in each initiative.
Assess any foreseen challenges and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges.
Determine how you will encourage the CEO of the small business to manage ethics and technology. Explain your recommendations and provide examples to support your thoughts.
Remember to cite and reference the resources found in the Resources section (6 articles and 2 films).
The post Assess any foreseen challenges and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges.assume the role of an executive consultant to a small healthcare business owner CEO, then recommend one social responsibility initiative and one sustainability initiative that the small healthcare business should introduce and implement within the next 6-12 months. appeared first on My Nursing Term Papers.
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