My Research Questions:
1. Is there an association between # of cigarettes smoked per day (independent variable) and death from any cause (dependent variable)?
2. Is there an association between tobacco usage (smoking) (independent variable) and use of hypertensive medication (dependent variable)?
3. Is there an association between diabetes (independent variable) and angina pectoris (dependent variable)?
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For each of the variables that are used in your research questions, create single numerical and graphical summaries using SPSS. Note that the type of numerical and graphical summary that is appropriate for a given variable is related to its data type as described below:
Data Type Numerical summary Graphical Summary
Categorical Table of frequencies and percentages Bar chart
Continuous Means, standard deviation, and sample size Histogram or boxplot
Then, for each of the two-variable associations described in your research questions, create appropriate numerical and graphical summaries as shown below:
Data Type Numerical summary Graphical Summary
Continuous-continuous Correlation Scatterplot
Categorical-categorical Two-way contingency table with frequencies and percentages Two-way Table is acceptable (be familiar with what a mosaic plot is)
Continuous-categorical Means, standard deviation, and sample size of the continuous variable for each category Side by side box plots of the continuous variable for each category
Examine the numerical and graphical summaries you created. Provide a one-sentence verbal summary for each indicating what it tells you about the data.
Once you have completed these steps, you will submit the research questions, numerical summaries, graphical summaries, and verbal summaries all in a single Word document. Use a separate heading for each research question. Your document should be approximately 1-2 pages in length. If you use references, use of current APA formatting is required. All tables and graphs must be clearly labeled.
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