ENC 1101 Esay

Essay 1: Literacy Narrative: In this assignment, write a 4 paragraph well-organized essay
that discusses YOU as a writer. Think of this as your opportunity to perform a self
assessment as a writer.
Structure of Literacy Narrative
(1 paragraph)
o Hooks the reader’s interest.
o Ends with a thesis statement (the insight your story provides).
(2 paragraphs)
o Supports and develops your thesis with evidence from your
personal experience.
(1 paragraph)
o Briefly summarizes your thesis insight.
o Returns to the “hook” from the opening paragraph.
Essay 1: Literacy Narrative (500 words)
As an introductory course in rhetoric, you will be exposed to various stories and it is important to be
able to tell your own. Life is a series of ongoing narratives. From the creation myths of various cultures
to documenting the birth of one’s child, human beings continuously seek meaning, and the earliest form
of literacy is the narrative, which started as an oral tradition.
For this first essay, you will reflect on your experiences as a reader and writer (whether optimistic or
pessimistic) and you will narrate that story. Your narrative should focus on a single incident or sequence
of events that occurred over a period of time. Also, include how that experience(s) changed the way you
think about the value and importance of literacy. Or you might present a breakthrough moment in your
development as a literate person and explain how that moment created a new sense of yourself as a
reader and writer. Keep the elements of narration (plot, character, setting, conflict) in mind as you
begin and finish your draft. While using first and second person is acceptable in this mode of writing, be
careful that you are not redundant.
Some Questions to Consider:
 Do I enjoy reading or writing? Why or why not?
 What is my earliest memory of reading and writing?
 Was literacy important in my home growing up?
 Did I ever see family members reading?
 Was there an instructor who influenced/pushed me away from reading or writing?
 Who were some of the influential people to encourage and nurture my
writing and reading experiences? How did I respond to these
experiences and what challenges, if any, did I confront?
 What significant academic or professional experiences have I had with
reading or writing?
Keep in mind that simply answering these questions in essay form will not provide a coherent essay and
will lead to a poor grade. They are to be considered to allow the drafting process to begin. Tell a story in
active voice that has a clear exposition, vivid imagery and proper use of flashbacks. Incorporate
transitional phrases well and be sure that the ending leaves the reader with insight on your experience
with literacy.
Literacy Narrative Rubric
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: The essay focuses on significant
events in the student’s history with reading and writing.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: The introduction engages readers
with focus and detail.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: The essay demonstrates narrative
coherence through focus on the topic/event.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Paragraphs are rich in development
through illustration and example.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome: Essay is revised for grammar/syntax,
mechanics, spelling, and punctuation.
20.0 pts
Total Points: 100
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