Environmental Injustice Impeding Health

Due Dates:

• By Friday of Unit 3, 11:59 p.m. EST – Post assignment to the forum. • By Sunday of Unit 3, 11:59 p.m. EST – Respond to a classmate.

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Points: 100 Overview: In this assignment, you will examine an example of Environmental Injustice and discuss how ethnicity and socioeconomic status are factors in this injustice. Instructions:

• Research and find a recently published article or an accredited website (.org, .edu) that describes a current environmental injustice. Describe how particular minority groups or people of lower socioeconomic status are affected by this environmental injustice.

• Find an additional resource that describes three (3) negative consequences of the environmental injustice or further proves there is a considerable problem negatively affecting the health and well-being of local citizens. Describe the lasting or long term consequences of the health concerns caused by exposure to degraded environmental conditions. Prove that this particular injustice is a concern by providing cases, statistics, or case studies demonstrating this is an ongoing concern in the United States or a specific country.


• Provide multiple pieces of supporting evidence in your claims, using at least two (2) scholarly resources formatted in APA.

• Provide at least one (1) peer response that elaborates on your classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation, presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration, and raises a question, or politely offers an alternative perspective.

• Post the assignment and your response to the Assignment Forum by the due dates listed above.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

ENV110 – Exploring Environmental Issues

Unit 3 Assignment Forum – Environmental Injustice Impeding Health and Happiness

Evaluation Rubric for Environmental Injustice Assignment Forum

CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Satisfactory Proficient

Example of Environmental Injustice and Those Impacted

(0-20 Points) (21-27 Points) (28-31 Points) (32-35 Points)

Environmental problems are discussed, but an example of injustice is not presented, and high-risk groups are not identified.

Environmental Injustice is discussed, but high- risk groups are unclear.

Environmental Injustice is discussed as well as a general idea of whom is most likely affected.

Environmental Injustice is thoroughly discussed, as well as the demographics where ethnicity and socioeconomics are identifying high-risk groups.

Proof of Consequences From Exposure to Poor Environmental Conditions

(0-20 Points) (21-27 Points) (28-31 Points) (32-35 Points)

Additional article was not included, or the additional article did not provide relevant cases and statistics. Does not discuss evidence linking the consequences of an environmental problem to a high- risk population.

Included an additional article that provides either statistical evidence or a case study. Somewhat discusses the evidence linking the consequences of an environmental problem to a high- risk population.

Included an additional article that provides statistical evidence and a case study. Discusses the evidence linking the consequences of an environmental problem to a high- risk population, but may be missing key details.

Included an additional article that provides statistical evidence and a case study. Thoroughly discusses the evidence linking the consequences of an environmental problem to a high- risk population.

Reference Citations in APA Formatting

(0-5 Points) (6-7 Points) (8 Points) (9-10 Points)

Reference citations were not present, and/or APA style formatting has significant errors.

Some scholarly citations were missing, and/or citations have some issues with APA style formatting.

At least two scholarly resources were used and included, but citations have minor errors in APA style formatting.

At least two scholarly resources were used and included, correctly formatted in APA style.

Peer Response

(0 Points) (6 Points) (8 Points) (10 Points)

No response post made to a classmate’s post.

Peer response provided, though minimal and lacking depth by restating or summarizing what was already expressed, details, and new ideas missing or lacking.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment but does not raise a question or offer an alternative perspective.

Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation; presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration; raises a question or politely

CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Satisfactory Proficient

offers an alternative perspective.

Posting Due Dates

(0 Points) (5 Points) (10 Points)

The assignment and response were not posted by the due dates of the unit.

Either the assignment or the response was not posted by the due date of the unit.

Both the assignment and response were posted by the due dates of the unit.

Due Dates:

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