Evaluate Service Delivery Models

Evaluate Service Delivery Models

Evaluate Service Delivery Models
The three primary service delivery models in human services are the medical model, the public health model and the human service model. Learners created a case study in Unit 3 and identified related theories in Unit 5 and will continue the development of the final course project in this unit with the identification of a service delivery model.

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For this assignment, review the theories selected in Unit 5 of the course and critically select the service delivery model that is most complimentary to those theories. Identify one administrative human service role and one direct service role based on the service delivery model selected. Identify the responsibilities of each professional based on the role selected.

Consider the following when selecting an appropriate model:

What is the general orientation of the model?
How does this model approach problem identification and resolution?
How does the model align with the theories selected in Unit 5?
Evaluate the service delivery model selected.
Refer to the APA Style and Format link in the Resources for guidance on formatting all assignments in this course.

Font: 12-point Times or Times New Roman, double-spaced.
Writing: Writing should be clear, organized, and free of errors; it should also follow professional standards.
Research: Use at least four academic sources; at least two of those sources should not be course materials.
Length: Your paper should be 4–5 pages, not including the cover page or reference page.
Format: Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Make sure to review the scoring guide for this assignment to familiarize yourself with the criteria on which you will be assessed.

Evaluate Service Delivery Models Scoring Guide.
How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?.
Human Services Masters Research Guide.
Library Research and Information Literacy Skills.
APA Style and Format.
Introduction to the Writing Center.

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