Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices). Review the following article from this week’s required reading:

Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices).
Review the following article from this weekâ€s required reading:

Murphy, J. (2011). Information systems & technology. Patient as center of the health care universe: A closer look at patient-centered care. Nursing Economic$, 29(1), 35-37.

Prepare a paper that meets or exceeds the following requirements:

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Compose a brief summary of the authorâ€s main points.
Assess the value and challenges of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), in general, and of computerized physician order entry systems (CPOEs), in specific, to achieve the patient-centered care goals set forth in the article.
Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices).
Explain and defend the rationale for classifying EHR, CPOEs, and CDSS as patient-centered management systems.

The post Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices). Review the following article from this week’s required reading: appeared first on My Nursing Term Papers.

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