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Write My Essay For Me—Write at least one rebuttal to a person who made the case against yours. So if you argued to keep the wolf on the Endangered Species List, you would have to find someone who wanted to delist the wolf. Again, think about how your stakeholder would approach this argument. Remember to challenge their ideas, not their personality. If a person already has 2 replies under their post, find someone else to debate.
I am a rancher who could care less about the wolf population, they are killing my livestock daily and I believe they should not be protected whatsoever. My livestock is what makes me money and there should be no reason that I cannot protect my own animals from the wolves. The government should let me hunt as many wolves as I see fit in order to keep my farm safe. The other stakeholders would have to disagree with my opinion because the wolves don’t mess with their lives. They want to protect them because they think they are essential to the ecosystem however, my livestock should not be an essential food source for the wolves. If anything I should be able to hunt any wolf that comes onto my property so I can protect what I own. I would like to see a change in the way these wolves are protected, I understand that they may be essential to keeping the ecosystem healthy but I should have the right to protect what is mine even if that means I have to kill the wolves who threaten my livestock.
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