Identify life events that might motivate an individual to seek wellness services.Plagiarism Free, APA format is not required of this assignment. But solid academic writing is expected and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting.

Identify life events that might motivate an individual to seek wellness services.Plagiarism Free, APA format is not required of this assignment. But solid academic writing is expected and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting.

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Youâ€re the agency and you need to provide mental health services for individuals suffering from mood disorders is expanding to reach out to the community by educating citizens about wellness strategies. In order to get the word out about your new services, create a brochure that does the following:

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Brochure should be two-sided with appealing format. Summarize the key points and bullet points to bring attention to key components.

Identify life events that might motivate an individual to seek wellness services.
Develop a mission statement for the clinic.
Provide an overview of services offered.
Describe an itinerary for two days of treatment.
Explain how assessments will be utilized at the clinic.

The post Identify life events that might motivate an individual to seek wellness services.Plagiarism Free, APA format is not required of this assignment. But solid academic writing is expected and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting. appeared first on My Nursing Term Papers.

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