Personal Response Essay

Authentic Leadership

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Authentic Leadership
Discover your true north was written by George Bill in the year 2003. The book is about authentic leadership and self-awareness. In the book, for a person to accomplish their greatest potential they have to create self-awareness which results in self-acceptance and self-actualization (George, 2015).
Lack of self-awareness can fail to become the person one aspired of becoming, hence resulting in go loss of focus. The first step to gaining self-awareness is by first understanding the story of your life and framing all the crucibles together. A person’s ability to evolve and adapt to the environment is influenced by self-awareness which is the centre and building block of uniqueness and authenticity (George et al, 2007). The art of perfection is not determined by goal-based authentic leadership, but by an introspection inspection (Kimbrough, 2018). There are times a person feels vulnerable hence encountering nagging questions and vulnerability while denying their weaknesses. For one to develop their self-awareness, the ability to accept and adopting mindfulness and honest answers play a significant role.

George, B. (2015). Discover your true north. John Wiley & Sons.
George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A. N., & Mayer, D. (2007). Discovering your authentic leadership. Harvard business review, 85(2), 129.
Kimbrough, B. (2018). Authentic Leadership for Employee Retention. In Blueprint for Engagement (pp. 111-120). Productivity Press.
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