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Write My Essay For MePlease begin this assignment by reviewing the section concerning Self-Assessment Tests on pages 16-21 in the course syllabus. This section covers information on your rights as a participant in the Self-Assessment Tests and what to do if you would prefer to skip one or more questions on a given test, plus guidelines on writing a suitable response. See also Appendix B in the syllabus for helpful examples of excellent SAT responses.
With all of the self-assessment tests from the book, there are no correct answers in terms of right or wrong. Be as honest as you can in answering the questions so that you can better understand yourself and your behavior related to leadership.
The link to the electronic survey is located at the end of this section.
What is your leadership potential score? In a one-page (maximum) argument, explain in more detail the meaning of this score to you. Keep in mind that larger organizations need “people” leaders and “individual contributor” leaders or a combination of the two. Some organizations even have separate “career tracks” that depend on a person’s preferred leadership style.
“People” leaders enjoy working with people in team settings and/or as individuals. Literature in the management area contends that there will be a “people” leadership void as the Baby Boomers retire in the next five to ten years. This may indicate an abundance of opportunities for those who diligently work to develop and/or sharpen their leadership skills.
Sometimes, people have a skill(s) that are rare in the workplace. Some people with a specialized skill set are not interested and/or capable of managing others. However, “individual contributors” are just as valuable to organizations as “people” leaders and they need to be recognized and rewarded for their work. “Individual contributors” tend to manage critical organizational processes in functional areas like finance and/or accounting or technical areas like scientific research and/or computer information technology.
Keeping these two types of leadership style in mind, what type of leadership role(s) do you see yourself working in for the future? Take a look at Chapter One for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least three assertions about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.
(SATs) online at any time. (These same Self-Assessment Tests (SATs) may also be viewed in
the Lussier and Achua textbook, if desired.)
2. Data will not be collected anonymously. The instructor will see all responses and will be able to
associate the name of the student with a given set of responses. (This is only necessary in order
to give points for completing the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs).)
3. When completing the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs), students may skip occasional questions if
they would prefer not to supply data. The option of skipping occasional questions will always
make it more difficult for students to analyze their own data, so skipping questions should be
kept to a minimum. However, the instructor should be notified by e-mail if a student elects to
skip a question(s). The e-mail should include the number of the question(s) skipped and the
rationale for skipping it/them. If the student does not supply such an e-mail, the instructor will
assume that the Self-Assessment Test(s) is incomplete, and then, a score of “zero” will be
recorded for the student.
4. The instructor may use the aggregate (pooled) data from the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs) in
published research, although any aggregate data will be fully anonymous – i.e., no student names
will ever be associated in any way with the aggregate data.
5. Students not desiring to have their data used within future research studies (even if all
identifying information is removed) may notify the instructor in writing at any time up to and
including the last day of class. There are no negative ramifications of any kind for requesting to
have the responses of the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs) left out of the aggregate pooled data.
Getting Started:
During the first week of class, students are asked to sign into the CMR 401 Canvas course site and briefly
look at the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs), completing the first few as listed on the course schedule. Self-
Assessment Tests (SATs) will vary in composition and analysis, so looking through and completing a few
during the first week will help students budget their time appropriately. Self-Assessment Test Essay
examples from previous and/or current students (always with student permission) will be posted in the
Discussion Tab in the Canvas course site. Additional examples may be found in an appendix to the
Completing the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs):
To complete the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs), students should do the following:
1. In the Modules tab on Canvas, click on the first lesson (Lesson 1), then the first Module
(Module 1), and finally the first Self-Assessment Test (SA-1).
2. Read the brief pre-work directions associated with this Self-Assessment Test (SAT).
3. Click on the invitation link to go to the Self-Assessment Test (SAT) questionnaire.
4. Complete the entire Self-Assessment Test (SAT) including the blank at the end that asks for a
personal e-mail address. (This e-mail address is necessary to send the student a copy of his/her
5. Retrieve the e-mail message containing the results and return to the first Self-Assessment Test
(SAT) on the Canvas course site. DO NOT forward that e-mail to the instructor.
6. Read and complete the Self-Assessment Test Essay. If summary scores were furnished as part
of completing the survey, they must be included in the first paragraph of the essay.
7. Type or transfer your Self-Assessment Test Essay to the SAT submittal form (see below) and
upload the form to Canvas as a response to the SAT under completion.
8. Do not include the raw data that was sent back from the survey in your SAT essay or as a separate
upload to Canvas – it is not needed and will only add unnecessary “clutter” to your response.
9. The instructor will evaluate the Self-Assessment Test Essay and will reply with a Canvas Grade
Book posting listing the points received and any applicable feedback.
Point Distribution And Extra Credit Points:
The Self-Assessment Tests (SATs) and the Self-Assessment Test Essays are worth a maximum of 1800
points. For Fall and Spring Semesters, both parts of the assignment are due on Wednesday evenings by
11:59 P.M. (Midnight). NOTE: Extra credit points will be given to any student who “hits the ground
running” in completing each Self-Assessment Test (SAT) AND the accompanying Self-Assessment Essay.
If a student turns in both parts of the assignment – except for weeks where there is no Self-Assessment Test
where extra credit points will only be given for the Self-Assessment Essay alone — no later than Monday
evening the week that it is due by 11:59 P.M. (Midnight), he/she will receive 15 points of extra credit for
each uploaded assignment as long as he/she earns an “A” of some kind – “A-,” “A,” or “A+” on that
assignment. This extra credit opportunity begins on Week 2 and runs through the term except for SAT 13-
1, the “final exam” SAT. (NOTE: This extra credit is also offered during Summer Sessions – see Canvas
course announcements for the corresponding due dates for SATs.)
What to Turn In:
Self-Assessment Test Essays for each Self-Assessment Test (SAT) are to be completed and turned in on a
weekly basis in accordance with the course schedule and as shown on the Course Calendar. Requirements
for each response will vary according to the Self-Assessment Test (SAT) under study, so it is imperative
that students carefully read the material posted on the Canvas course site for each Self-Assessment Test
(SAT) and /or Self-Assessment Test Essay.
How To Write A Self-Assessment Test Essay:
In business, writing means single-spaced text and double-spaced between paragraphs. In writing a Self-
Assessment Test Essay use the five-paragraph writing style. Use a minimum of three sentences per
paragraph. (Always, use an odd number of paragraphs and sentences in writing a Self-Assessment Test
(SAT) Essay. Note that you can have more than five paragraphs and/or three sentences per Self-
Assessment Test (SAT) Essay.) Use the word “I” infrequently. Do not use “In my opinion,” or the like.
These are your words, so just state your thought(s).
Self-Assessment Test (SAT) Essays based on the Self-Assessment Tests (SATs) should be written using a
combination of the “assert and defend” style in a five paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an
argument or thesis AND prove or defend it. The “assert and defend” style is simple.
• First Paragraph: Start with a first sentence (an opening sentence) that states the quantitative
(numerical) scores that you received after taking the online personality evaluation. The second
sentence should indicate what the numerical scores mean in qualitative (words) terms. The third
sentence is the Self-Assessment Test Essay topic (each of the 40 Self-Assessment Tests (SATs)
has a specific topic) and how that topic relates to leadership in your opinion. Be specific and
make an assertion – not just the Self-Assessment Test Essay topic is important to leadership.
• Second, Third, and Fourth Paragraphs: Break the Self-Assessment Test Essay topic down into
three pieces. (To do this, you will need to read the assigned Lussier chapter.) Think about and
plan to describe three short examples from your life that relate to the topic of the Self-Assessment
Test Essay – one example per paragraph. Each paragraph should have an introductory sentence
about how the example relates to the topic. Include details without disclosing names and/or
proprietary information. Each paragraph should also have a closing statement that leads to the
next example. Use examples from work, school, home, volunteer work, church, your childhood,
your friends, etc. When you choose work examples, choose all three examples from work for
professional consistency. If you describe a weakness (do some of these as part of your Self-
Assessment Test Essays), then describe a concrete plan to make a change for success. Failure
can be a great teacher.
• Fifth Paragraph: The first sentence should briefly re-state the overall topic – the assertion — of
the Self-Assessment Test Essay AND a brief summary on how your examples relate to the Self-
Assessment Test Essay topic within a combined format. The second sentence should discuss
how you are doing today on the Self-Assessment Test Essay topic AND/OR how you plan in the
future to incorporate the leadership learnings into your professional skill set. The third sentence
should be a BOLD STATEMENT about the importance of the leadership concept in today’s
and/or tomorrow’s workplaces. (Do not say, “It is important.” Answer the question, “Why is this
leadership concept important?”) At this point, state that the assertion(s) is proved or defended by
the evidence. Make sure that you write a closing statement without putting in a sentence that is
really an opening statement that could lead to more text. Close the door and move on to the next
Self-Assessment Test Essay topic nicely.
• Note that the examples may NOT be substituted for any of the required references noted
immediately below.
• A minimum of three reference materials per Self-Assessment Test Essay is required. One
reference MUST come from the textbook (citing the quote and/or page number where you found
the information). The other two references (or additional references beyond three) can come
from any source in the following list. Note: Use any combination of the references in the list
given here as long as a minimum of one reference is from the textbook.
• Additional textbook references.
• Experts in the field (cite the name of the individual and the professional occupation or
reason that this person is an expert).
• Other ACADEMIC sources on the Internet (NOT Wikipedia or E-How or a like kind).
• Newspaper studies or articles from ACADEMIC places like the Wall Street Journal.
• Case studies and/or other types of library reference sources.
• List all references used immediately after the last paragraph of the Self-Assessment Test
Essay response. DO NOT wait to list all references together after the last Self-Assessment
Test Essay in a set for a given week. The proper way to list the course textbook is:
Lussier, Robert and Achua, Christopher. (2015). Leadership: Theory, Application and Skill
Development, 6th Edition. Mason, Ohio: South-Western/Cengage. (Note that there are no page
numbers in this listing – they are not needed since you are placing them within the text.)
Self-Assessment Test Essays will lose points if:
• The writing is top of mind, babbled, jumbled, and/or disorganized.
• The writing is not on topic – meaning that the writing is not about the focus of the Self-
Assessment Test (SAT).
• They are too short or too long (the ideal range is between one page to no more than two
• There are weak or non-academic references, less than three references, and/or no references.
• All three references come from the same page in Lussier – at least two different page numbers
are required.
• There are problems in grammar and/or spelling.
• References are all listed at the end of the entire set of Self-Assessment Test Essays for the week
instead of listed at the bottom of each individual Self-Assessment Test Essay.
Self-Assessment Test Essay writing involves a topic you should know well – YOU. Showcase your best
features. Use those experiences in your life that have made you, well YOU. Some of the Self-Assessment
Test Essays may seem repetitive. If this is the case, change up the work, school, and/or home experiences
that you CHOOSE to write about in your Self-Assessment Test Essay. Show the reader that you are an
interesting person who can “fit” in a variety of situations. Make the reader WANT you for a new and/or
better opportunity in your work, school, and/or home life.
Keep in mind that you may need this material for a work portfolio. You may want to take it in as a sample
of your work to show a potential employer. You may want to send your Self-Assessment Test and/or Self-
Assessment Test Essay work to a graduate school committee as you look for advanced educational
programs in law or for a MBA or other advanced graduate degree.
Think about what the content of the Self-Assessment Test Essay and the writing style say about you. Can
you present your case in an efficient and effective manner where you support your arguments with
examples and/or theoretical academic evidence? Is your writing neat or sloppy? Again, getting that next
job or school or life opportunity means showing people that you can “fit” in a variety of situations. Leave
no doubt to the reader that you are the Number One Choice.
Note: The course textbook (Lussier & Achua, Leadership: Theory, Application & Skill Development, 6th
edition, 2015) is available on reserve at the Hamilton Campus and Middletown Campus Libraries (for free
use) and it is also available from the bookstore. Please be very careful when purchasing this textbook –
you MUST have the 6th edition in order for the page numbers for references to be correct and for the book
to contain the correct Self- Assessment Tests (SATs). DO NOT purchase an “International Edition” – these
differ considerably from the correct text.
Some Self-Reflection Questions That You May Want To Consider Before You Begin Writing The
Self-Assessment Test Essay(s):
Here are some self-reflection questions that you may want to consider when you are thinking about
material to include in the Self-Assessment Test Essay(s). You do not have to answer all of the questions.
Pick and choose, but use a variety of the questions over the course of the semester. Be sure to include at
least three references with each Self-Assessment Test Essay, except for Self-Assessment Test 11.1 which
requires no references.
• Name three things that stick in your mind about the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• Describe what you did at work that related to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• What did you see someone else do (do not include the name) or observe while at work about the Self-
Assessment Test topic(s)?
• How did you feel about your own experience(s) or after watching someone else’s experience(s) about
the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• How do other people’s responses on the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) make you feel?
• Describe a typical day at the workplace related to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) for someone who is
an employee and/or a customer?
• As it relates to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s), what would you change about this organization if you
were in charge?
• As it relates to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s), what was the best/worst/most challenging thing that
happened to you and how did you handle it?
• What connections do you find between the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) and your course readings
and/or lectures?
• What new ideas or insights did you gain in asking some of your other professors or employers about the
Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• What skills related to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) can you use or strengthen through working with
your employer, professor(s) and/or mentor(s)?
• What knowledge or skills did you learn on this Self-Assessment Test topic(s) from an experience(s) that
you will apply in the future?
• If you have ever changed jobs, how were you different when you left the workplace compared to when
you entered the workplace as it relates to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• How are you similar/different to the others (others on your workplace or school team – past or present)
as it relates to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• In what ways did being different help/hinder the group about the Self-Assessment Test topic(s)?
• As it relates to the Self-Assessment Test topic(s), what have you learned about yourself?
• What connections do you see on the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) and what you have learned in your
other CMR or other college courses?
• How has the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) contributed to your growth in any of these areas: civic
responsibility, political consciousness, professional development, spiritual fulfillment, social
understanding, and intellectual pursuit?
• How did your experience(s) on the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) challenge your assumptions and
• Describe an internal or external conflict that has surfaced for you related to the Self-Assessment Test
topic(s). Explain the factors that contributed to it and how you might resolve or cope with the conflict.
• How can your experience with the Self-Assessment Test topic(s) apply to other situations in your life
for example, at school and/or at home?
• As it relates to the Self-Assessment topic(s), where do you go from here and what is the next step?
Self-Assessment Test Essay Submittal Form:
All written responses to the Self-Assessment Tests are to be submitted on a special form entitled “Self-
Assessment Test Essay Submittal Form,” located on the assignment pages for the CMR 401 course site on
Canvas. (Please look for this form as a downloadable file with a link posted to the first Self-Assessment
Test.) This form is a simple WORD document with a specific header to be completed by the student. The
remainder of the form is blank and may be used to enter text, graphics, tables, etc., as needed. The
completed form containing the Self-Assessment Test Essay must be uploaded to Canvas for evaluation.
Example of Form:
CMR 401
Self-Assessment Test Essay Submittal Form
Name: __________________
Self-Assessment Test # _____________________ (Please list the test submitted here.)
Date Submitted: ____________________
Please indicate if this submission is a draft
for comments or should be considered “final” for grading. ______________________
Please write or insert your response to the post-test activity for the Self-Assessment Test(s) listed
immediately above. Begin your response(s) below the horizontal line. Please be sure to separate each
response with a new title, i.e., SAT-1 Response, SAT-2 Response, etc. This is a standard WORD file,
so any of the customary MS Office commands and/or actions will work. Before submitting, please
name your file to include the number of the Self-Assessment Test(s) and your last name, i.e., a simple
format would be “SAT-1-Smith” or something similar. E-mail this form to
[email protected]
feedback (drafts) or upload to Canvas for grading (final submissions).
Please be sure to submit one form per Self-Assessment Test Essay since each Self-Assessment Test
Essay is uploaded to Canvas individually.
(Enter your response here.)
Students attempting to submit written responses without using the correct submittal form will have their
work returned to them, ungraded, for proper formatting and re-submittal if the work is turned in early
enough for the instructor to catch the mistake and send him/her a note in return. However, since Self-
Assessment Test Essays cannot be turned in late, if the student turns in his/her work NOT on a special form
near the deadline date/time, he/she will get zero points for the work.
If desired, students may submit draft copies of any responses to the Self-Assessment Test Essays to the
instructor by e-mail for feedback. Feedback will be returned promptly so that students may revise their
work prior to submitting final copies. The early feedback by the instructor is not intended to be critical and
it is only given to improve the quantity/quality of the student’s written materials. Responses submitted
with no indication of purpose will be assumed to be submitted for final grading.
Please also note that there are specific “milestones” to be met throughout the course regarding the
minimum number of Self-Assessment Tests and Self-Assessment Test Essays that must be completed each
week. Refer to the Course Calendar for time and date guidelines.
Grading Notes for the Self-Assessment Tests and Self-Assessment Test Essays:
In order to receive full credit for this activity, students must keep up with the submissions required by the
course schedule – there are no late penalty allowances for falling behind on Self- Assessment Tests and
Self-Assessment Test Essays.
Use of References in Self-Assessment Test Essays:
All Self-Assessment Test Essays submitted for grading require the use of appropriate, academic-style
references to back up the statements made. (Please see other sections within this syllabus regarding proper
use of references and also each individual Self-Assessment Test.) Students who elect not to supply
references with each Self-Assessment Test Essay will face a substantially reduced grade, usually averaging
a reduction of 25-50% of the points possible, depending on the specific Self-Assessment Test Essay under
The post Self-Assessment Tests appeared first on Geek Term Papers.
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