Competency 724.8.1: Primary Research – The graduate recognizes basic
scientific research concepts and techniques, appreciates the ethics of
nursing research,
recognizes researchable questions, uses evaluative skills to critique
current nursing research, and identifies statistical types.
Competency 724.8.2: Translation of Research Evidence and Evidence Summary –
The graduate applies concepts of nursing research to clinical practice
situations, conducts reviews of the literature in relation to
therapeutic approaches,
and recognizes the importance of theoretical models in nursing practice or research.
724.8.1-01: Critique an original research report for a nursing research
article to determine how the researcher addresses the five areas of a
724.8.1-02: Assess the strength of evidence presented in a given literature source on a specified topic.
724.8.1-03: Recognize what ethical issues may arise while conducting a nursing research study.
724.8.1-04: Recommend an appropriate type of research for a given nursing practice purpose.
724.8.1-05: Develop an annotated bibliography of nursing research articles that address a given evidence-based practice issue.
724.8.1-06: Identify types of statistically based tools commonly reported in evidence summaries from nursing research.
724.8.2-01: Use a given preconstructed expert search strategy to locate
primary research in a specified major bibliographic database.
724.8.2-02: Identify the key criteria for a well developed evidence summary.
724.8.2-03: Explain why it is important to use a theoretical model for nursing research or practice.
724.8.2-04: Conduct an in-depth review of specified current
peer-reviewed research articles to evaluate the efficacy of a specified
therapeutic approach to a
given clinical practice problem.
724.8.2-05: Recommend a practical application of a given theoretical model based on a review of current research.
724.8.2-06: Evaluate nursing care or management implications of a
specified therapeutic nursing intervention based on a review of relevant
Annoted bib example:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Overweight and obesity economic consequences. Retrieved May 7, 2009, from
This source is a section of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
website dedicated to obesity as a public health issue. While this
particular section is
about adults, it can still be used in a paper about obesity in children.
This article shows the negative economic results of adult obesity in
including health costs to individuals, states, and the national
government. The economic costs are described in the text of the article
and broken down into
useful tables of statistics. The costs are categorized as both direct
and indirect, and the indirect costs are much more complicated. Indirect
costs include
the loss of income to a family or the economy due to the early death due
to obesity. This article is an extremely credible source, as the CDC is
the leading
government agency aimed at assessing public health risks. The excellent
statistics in this article will be used in the research paper to show
the long-term
results of childhood obesity (CDC, 2017).
Okely, A. (2007). Evidence-guided approaches to addressing child
obesity: What approaches can dietitians use in their everyday practice?
Nutrition and
Dietetics, 64, 140?141. Retrieved May 7, 2016, from the Academic Search Premier database.
In this article, Anthony Okely describes the health consequences of
childhood obesity and discusses several programs aimed at helping
prevent unhealthy
weight gain in children. He sees parents as the primary source of power
over a child?s unhealthy weight gain. This article is an editorial in a
journal.Although this article is an editorial, it is still a good source
of research-based information, as the author uses 16 detailed
references from
several countries. The author has a Doctorate in Education and serves as
the Director of the Child Obesity Research Centre at Australia?s
University of
Wollongong; he is also a Senior Lecturer at the same university. The
number of references he provides in the article also boosts the
credibility of the
opinions he offers. This article will be used in the research paper for
its basic statistics on childhood obesity. Also, the reference list at
the end of the
article is a valuable source of credible articles on this topic. The
fact that the article is from Australia limits its effectiveness as a
major source for
the paper (Okely, 2017).
Primary Research Matrix:
Primary Research Matrix
EBT Task 724.8.1-01-06, 8.2-01-06
1. Create a table using nine columns like the one below, using a spreadsheet or word-processing program.
2. Once you have created these special categorical columns, you can now
use them to analyze your data and help organize your review. Simply sort
spreadsheet or table on a column of interest and you will be able to get
a new view or organizing framework for your data. When sorting, select
all columns
rather than sorting by one column as this would mix up your data.
Author(s) Source Date (year) Research Type (experimental, quasi-experimental, case series, ethnographic, etc) Population/
sample size Outcome measures Pertinent data from results Suggested Conclusions Comments
Competency 724.8.1: Primary Research – The graduate recognizes basic
scientific research concepts and techniques, appreciates the ethics of
nursing research,
recognizes researchable questions, uses evaluative skills to critique
current nursing research, and identifies statistical types.
Competency 724.8.2: Translation of Research Evidence and Evidence Summary –
The graduate applies concepts of nursing research to clinical practice
situations, conducts reviews of the literature in relation to
therapeutic approaches,
and recognizes the importance of theoretical models in nursing practice or research.
Objectives: 724.8.1-01: Critique an original research report for a
nursing research article to determine how the researcher addresses the
five areas of a
research report. 724.8.1-02: Assess the strength of evidence presented
in a given literature source on a specified topic. 724.8.1-03: Recognize
what ethical
issues may arise while conducting a nursing research study. 724.8.1-04:
Recommend an appropriate type of research for a given nursing practice
724.8.1-05: Develop an annotated bibliography of nursing research
articles that address a given evidence-based practice issue. 724.8.1-06:
Identify types of
statistically based tools commonly reported in evidence summaries from
nursing research. 724.8.2-01: Use a given preconstructed expert search
strategy to
locate primary research in a specified major bibliographic database.
724.8.2-02: Identify the key criteria for a well developed evidence
summary. 724.8.2-03:
Explain why it is important to use a theoretical model for nursing
research or practice. 724.8.2-04: Conduct an in-depth review of
specified current peer-
reviewed research articles to evaluate the efficacy of a specified
therapeutic approach to a given clinical practice problem. 724.8.2-05:
Recommend a
practical application of a given theoretical model based on a review of
current research. 724.8.2-06: Evaluate nursing care or management
implications of a
specified therapeutic nursing intervention based on a review of relevant literature.
Peer-reviewed research reports are reports reviewed by other credible
experts in the field. Nursing, as a profession, uses peer-reviewed
primary research
reports to make credible and evidence-based practice implications and recommendations in the clinical area.
In this task, you will collect and analyze 10 research reports (primary
research evidence) on one topic of interest to you in nursing practice
or healthcare.
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