Each paper should be 750-1000 words (3-4 pages) long.
Paper 1 (due October 27) Option 1: Write a thesis-based paper in which you create an argument using evidence from three of the sources listed below to support it. (You might also wish to include additional material from the other readings.) Some topics to consider: the impact of the Industrial Revolution, social and economic change, imperialism.
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Write My Essay For MeOption 2: Be more creative and develop a fictional conversation among three of the authors of or characters in the main readings and video listed below about a topic (imperialism, hubris, the working class, monsters . . . )
Main Readings and video: • Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Woman • Mary Shelley, Frankenstein • Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto • John Stuart Mill, On Liberty • Germinal (video) • Cases from Old Bailey • Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
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