hat is the term for the theory that every decision needs to be calculated for its hedonic score?
Question 1 (1 point)
What is the term for the theory that every decision needs to be calculated for its hedonic score?
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Write My Essay For MeQuestion 1 options:
Rule Utilitarianism
Command Utilitarianism
Act Utilitarianism
Question 2 (1 point)
The Principle of Utility states that:
Question 2 options:
We are morally obligated to promote the good; the right act is to do the most good.
We are morally obligated to https://iacademicessay.com/ do what will benefit our culture, not ourselves.
The good is pleasure, and we obligated to seek pleasure for ourselves.
We are morally obligated to be happy.
Question 3 (1 point)
Rule Utilitarianism teaches that we should:
Question 3 options:
Follow the laws of our government https://getacademicessay.com/
Consider the outcomes of each case before applying a rule of behavior
Create social rules with our community
Act on the rules that tend to promote the greatest good
Question 4 (1 point)
Mill faces the problem of justifying intrinsic value when he asserts that happiness is the good. What claim does he present as the “only” proof possible?
Question 4 options:
Even Aristotle claimed that happiness was the good.
Some pleasures are better than others.
Actually, Mill does NOT claim to offer anything like a “proof” of happiness being an intrinsic value.
God wills that humans be happy.
All rational people desire happiness.
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